5. How did the year in Kenya help your seminary experience? Do you hope to go back?
The change of routine and life patterns transformed me (change of habits is the quickest way to change), as I saw a new way to organize society and began to love the idea of a village. Yesterday in Kroger, someone noticed that I had an item for which she had an unused coupon, so she gave me the coupon. The village mentality—local networks of mutual reciprocity and honor—still lurks in the subconscious of many in the US, but in Kenya, it was explicit. At CTS, then, I was equipped to think of the seminary as a small town, where we were all struggling together for each others' good.
My year in Kenya built my confidence a lot, which equipped me to make more of opportunities to preach and teach here in seminary. I learned a lot of communication skills from my roommate and my Kenyan friends. To oversimplify, Kenya helped me find my voice, which meant I had something to train when I got to seminary.
Kenya also showed me a few really exciting examples of vibrant churches—churches devoted to worship, to visiting the sick, to feeding the poor, to preaching the gospel, churches expressing the indwelling of the Spirit in different ways. This got me excited about interdenominational cooperation in the US. This model of spiritual cooperation empowered by diversity also prepared me to accept as legitimate (or at least, less than outlandish) the diverse historical strands of Christianity to which I was introduced in seminary classes.
I would love to go back sometime. Kenya is often in my thoughts and prayers. We will see what God does.
6. What's the best thing from CTS years?
Well, I got married. That was pretty amazing. Still is. Every day. Love you.
Also, friends. I met some pretty amazing people with whom I hope to continue to share life and learning.
But if you want something more curricular, exegesis in the original languages. What a phenomenal privilege to read texts that have been a huge part of my life in the languages they were written! What a joy to see the wordplay in prophecy and parable, to connect meanings and symbols in a new way across the canon. I don't mean to be elitist—encounter with God through close reading of scripture is a typical way that God works in people's hearts. Learning Hebrew and Greek enough to read scripture simply gave me a specific discipline through which to engage in the Christian practice of exegesis.
7. How was your first year of Seminary unmarried different from your second and third year when you were married? Was it different?
I had a sweet roommate, I had a better room, I was no longer required to be on the meal plan so I got to cook like it was my job, and I did more homework during the day so I could usually be free in the evenings. Those were the everyday details that made differences for me. Other than that, I had a primary concern other than my faith. One to whom my God had mysteriously called me for my sanctification and God's glory, but a person obviously not identical with my faith to whom I am also accountable. I also met a new church family through my spouse, for which I give thanks to God.
So basically it changed everything. But I was still extremely invested in my studies and in the life of the seminary community. I had a new kind of partner for this engagement, though, who lived at the seminary but was not a seminarian. Which I think was very healthy for me. Again, translation is important—getting stuck in seminary language for my life is not what I'm looking for, and not a hallmark of resilience—and having a wife to share stories with who does not attend the same classes or make the same theologeek jokes is a continuing process of translating what I learned.
8. Do you ever see yourself as a Pastor?
I am scared of capital letters there, even though I know in folk ontology the pastor is distinctly more godlike than the congregation. That's probably not what you meant, questioner, but something I think about often. The new Presbyterian terminology (which is a reversion to an old Reformed practice) reflects this: "teaching elder" / "ruling elder". The pastor is ordained to exactly the same leadership office as the other elders, but with some different duties.
Anyway, yes. Often, actually. And I hope to move to candidacy (the next step toward ordination) at the next Presbytery of East TN meeting! If they want me to, of course. All my interactions with the committee have been helpful and affirming; whatever the presbytery decides, I am sure God will use me in ways that play out the divine mission, to which I happily join my flag.
9. What is God calling you to ... ?
(I'm assuming the "to" does not introduce the infinitival "...", a verb with which I am not familiar, but instead acts with its object "what" as an inclusio a la trennbare)
Well, I have already talked about a lot of things to which God calls me: marriage, seminary, translation. I will add self-giving love. I think these are more than enough to keep me busy for the rest of my life.
I realize it may not seem like I've answered the question, so I will also tell you the patterns in which I plan to exercise these callings in the next few years (though for my own psyche separating the questions is a helpful way to dwell on God's providence over my vocational anxiety). I am currently pursuing a ThM in order to further study the Hebrew Bible (aka Old Testament). I would love to begin a PhD program in Hebrew Bible in the next few years and eventually teach in a college or seminary. As I said in 8, I am also continuing on the path toward ordination in the PCUSA, and would be honored to serve God's church as a pastor. I'm also keeping my ears out for a "tentmaking" gig, that is, some full- or nearly-full time work (for which I'd be qualified as a college graduate) which would give me time to pursue local ministry and scholarship part-time.
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