Friday, October 11, 2013

Hello World

I have done at least two things today that I have been meaning to do for a while:
1) Make a blog
2) Answer a bunch of questions from a friend at church

The two are related because I want to be more intentional about my communication with my church family and how my learning is affecting the way I relate to the church and the world.  Thus, answering questions about my time at seminary is an appropriate first line of communication.  When I blog I also get to practice explaining myself clearly and intelligibly.  Intricate technical languages may bring great benefit (for example, Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems), but the benefit must be translatable into everyday language (continuing ad absurdam with example, "Oops, missed one" or "I can't decide").

Anyway, I look forward to discussions.  Keep me honest--don't let me get by with theology-geek-techno-babble.

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